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Evolution of Customer Service, And How to Adapt with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

by Angela Grom
Operations Manager, Trovare,

Being newly appointed to the Operations Manager role for my company, I am taking on countless responsibilities that are both challenging and foreign to me.

Who knew how hard it would be to implement a multi-state Employee Health Insurance plan? Or, how time consuming it would be to track down support for our internal computer systems that have issues?

Needless to say, I have spent a lot of time over the last few months on customer service (CS) channels trying to find someone who could understand our issues, find a resolution to them, or surprisingly, to just respond. My experience as a customer in need of service has been mind boggling, and it causes me to wonder how companies manage to stay in business when they cannot provide a level of customer service that meets basic needs.

Rules of Engagement (for Customer Service that Is)

Based on research and my own thoughts on the matter, the top rules for service should be no surprise:

  1. Know and listen to the customer
  2. Treat their issue with significance
  3. Have knowledge of the issue
  4. Go the extra mile
  5. Deliver what is promised
  6. Be respectful

Seems logical, right? Then why is there so much information out there on how companies should be delivering CS? Why are there so many unhappy customers? Why did I feel incredibly stressed out and stuck in a loop every time I picked up the phone for help?

Do companies just not care?

It's talked to death that in today's market, we are dealing with a new breed of consumer: Millennials. But, as consumer behavior has changed, have businesses stopped ...

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About Angela Grom

Angela has days filled with, technology, thesaurus rummaging, a crazy Jack Russel named Baby B, a loud, attention starved (cough cough), Cockatiel, named Birdie and all things Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Six years ago, she really did have a "Legally Blonde" moment, woke up one day and decided she wanted to get into marketing. She started her career by being on the Board of Directors for the American Advertising Federation's Sacramento Chapter. She then held positions at some of Sacramento's top PR and marketing agencies such as Perry Communications and Sagent Marketing, formerly ProProse and now, she is the Marketing & Operations Manager for Trovare Business Solutions, a Microsoft Partner of Dynamics CRM. She is an alumni of CSU Sacramento scholared in Spanish Literature and Business. Before Sacramento, she spent a year studying French cooking and working in a French restaurant in London, UK. How's that for a career change?

When she's not busy trying to take over the Dynamics CRM world, you can find her reading pop culture, walking her best furry friend, dodging a bird flying at her head, or Skyping her west coast friends and family.

If you'd like to discover your companies Dynamics CRM needs analysis or are a company who is needing help with their current install, contact Trovare Business Solutions, and we'll schedule a (free) 60-minute Executive Briefing.

More about Angela Grom