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Do We Need an App Store for Microsoft Dynamics GP?

by Mark Polino
Director of Client Services, Fastpath, Integrated Business Group

I think that we need an App Store for Microsoft Dynamics GP. The Dynamics GP community has a pile of independent software vendor solutions that don't get enough exposure. Now, do I think that companies are going to flock to a Dynamics GP app store and plop down five grand on their corporate Amex card to download and install an ISV solution for Dynamics GP at lunch?

What I'm getting at is that there is a certain continuity to finding vendor offerings that is missing for both partners and companies using GP. So maybe I really mean an app showcase rather than app store, but when I said "App Store" you knew exactly what meant. Angry Birds for Dynamics GP popped into your head.

Today there are a few options for finding ISV solutions for Dynamics GP.  Microsoft's official site is Microsoft Pinpoint. Pinpoint is the newly released replacement for the well-worn Solution Finder. At first glance, it is slick looking and pretty complete. But it's huge. It covers all of Microsoft not just the Dynamics products and finding the Dynamics stuff takes some perseverance. The ability to review products, the highlighting of certified solutions and a direct link to the vendor's website are all nice features of Pinpoint.  But it's got some quirks. When I limited the results to only Dynamics GP 2010 solutions, the search still returned some CRM products. I couldn't see any connection between those products and Dynamics GP. Plus, Pinpoint is new and there are few, if any, reviews of Dynamics GP products. One missing element is screen shots. We want to see the product before demos, before talking to ...

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About Mark Polino

Mark Polino is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a former Microsoft MVP (2007-2018) for Business Solutions. He is the author or coauthor of 5 books related to Microsoft Dynamics GP.  Mark also maintains the Dynamics GP focused website He speaks and writes regularly about ERP related topics. Mark has been a controller and CFO for a division of a publicly traded company and he has  worked as a consultant implementing ERP solutions. Mark holds additional certifications including Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) , Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA). Dynamics Credentialed Professional for Dynamics GP 2015 (Core Install and Core Financials), Xero Certified. He holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from the University of Central Florida and an MBA from Rollins College. Mark lives with his family in Florida.

More about Mark Polino