Set Up Microsoft Dynamics GP Test and Production Environments on a Budget
When organizations think about setting up test and production environments, they may well associate the effort with big dollars, racks and rows of computing resources and, in some cases, the use of sophisticated terms like virtualization, mirroring, clustering, etc.
This is all fine if you are a $500M plus company, but what if your organization is like many other small and mid-size organizations out there? By this I mean you roughly run a SQL Server machine with Dynamics GP and a handful of client machines pointing to the server. In addition, you may (or may not) have one person on staff who is the acting systems administrator because he or she happens to know some SQL and is capable of writing some reports or perform customizations in Visual Basic for Applications.
Whether you are a $500M or a $20M organization, best practices are still just that--best practices--and should apply just about the same across the board regardless of your budget. Test and production environments will reduce your chances of deploying reports, customizations, or third party products with defects while ensuring that the information you come to rely on is still safeguarded from accidents.
This article discusses two (of many) options for setting up a world class testing environment, while making use of the resources your organization currently owns - that's right, no need to buy anything!
In a simplistic way, test and production environments are most effectively established by taking the following two factors into consideration:
- Have a mirrored copy of the production data with the purpose of testing transactions, reports, and simple form modifications.
Have an environment where software development and
customizations can be conducted without disrupting the production ...
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