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Kerry Peters is CEO/co-founder of New View Strategies (NVS), five-time Microsoft MVP, and co-author of the BC Consultant Accelerator – an executive MBA-style program specifically designed to help new consultants get up to speed on Business Central and implementations. The program is designed specifically to complement the consultant’s work schedule and is spread out over time to combine their formal instruction with on-the-job experiences. Registration is open for the January 2022 semester. If you’d like information on arranging one of our 65 classes for your team or you’d like more information on the BC Consultant Accelerator program, please reach out to Kerry on Twitter at and on LinkedIn at


by Kerry Peters

Embracing the needs of adult learners means saying goodbye to the bad old days of PowerPoint decks and binders

by Kerry Peters

With Covid-19 forcing accounting departments to work from home, accounting departments are facing the very real challenges of virtual work.

by Kerry Peters
Tips for Microsoft Dynamics customers on managing the present and future health of their partner relationships
