Benefits of Decentralizing IT: Going Paperless and a Mobile-Equipped Work Force (Part 2 of 3)

In part one of “The benefits of decentralizing IT, going Paperless and a Mobile‐Equipped work force,” we covered
the changing role of the IT department. In this new hybrid organization the software choice or the “what” is in the
hands of those who manage departments such as finance, accounting and HR; but because of the need for
security, the “how” and “where” remains in the control of IT.
When mobility is coupled with the cloud, enterprises are faced with the bring‐your‐own‐device (BYOD) phenomenon. Younger workers are accustomed to using their own favorite smartphones and tablets for all their daily activity, from shopping and banking to photography, drafting communications, navigating their travels and socializing.
When mobility is coupled with the cloud, enterprises are faced with the bring‐your‐own‐device (BYOD) phenomenon. Younger workers are accustomed to using their own favorite smartphones and tablets for all their daily activity, from shopping and banking to photography, drafting communications, navigating their travels and socializing.
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