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How to Get Started with Lifecycle Services for Microsoft Dynamics AX (Recorded Webcast)

Lifecycle Services (LCS) is a new cloud-based offering from Microsoft that changes everything about the lifecycle of the Dynamics AX projects. Customers and partners can now track and manage not only the implementation phase of the Dynamics AX projects, but also the pre-sales and post-implementation support phases.

LCS offers customers, prospects, and their partners access to a broad and constantly improving range of tools and resources without any additional software to manage. And any customer and partner that is registered with Microsoft gets LCS for free, making it impossible not to use. Join Dynamics AX MVP Murray Fife to look at some of the most important LCS capabilities that customers should be using today, including:

  • Business Process Flow - create recordings directly from Task Recordings and upload them to LCS to document your system
  • Customization and issue tracking, including access to knowledge base materials never previously available to customers
  • Access to Microsoft Azure to create test and sandbox environments on the fly with no additional hardware investments