10 Dangers to Avoid in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training: Trainer Preparation

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This video is part of a series created by Microsoft MVP Elif Item. See all the videos here.
Danger: One of the dangers in Microsoft Dynamics 365 training is leaving end user training preparation and delivery to the end of the project. Go-live time of a D365 implementation is very busy with various tasks like wrapping up final stages of testing, migration preparation, security setup, etc. If core team members are expected to prepare and deliver end user training, it may be a big challenge with their workload. The level of difficulty of training will also depend on the number of end users you have and how geographically spread they are. It is not uncommon to realize very close to go-live you don’t have the resources and time to deliver the end user training that your organization needs.
How to avoid: Avoid this danger by utilizing multiple strategies. One is to not leave all end user training all the way till the end. Based on the audience and the type of content you have, start training earlier in small units and build up until go-live time. For some learners like retail and warehouse employees, starting early may not be feasible, but there are many users in an organization that can start getting trained much earlier than right before go-live. Another strategy is to employ some help. You can hire or allocate additional resources to training as you get close to go-live. If you make sure this is a part of your overall plan, there should not be any surprises.
If you are using online training, it can help you to get some learners start much earlier than go-live with basics training. Online training can also be very helpful if your end user group is large and geographically separated.