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What Third-Party Developers Learned From Microsoft Convergence 2015

by Curt Finch
CEO, Journyx,

Microsoft Convergence is the place where, in the company's words, the "Microsoft business community members come together to share ‘Aha!' moments. It's their chance to network with other users, see things for the first time, learn about the latest features and updates, get answers to tough questions from Microsoft product experts, and find new ways to stay ahead of their competition."

This year was no exception and boasted an impressive roster of keynote speakers, as well as the usual interactive discussions, sessions and informative program.

We were happy to have a booth at Convergence and be able to chat with the many attendees. It was an enlightening experience, both from visiting with the attendees as well as listening to the keynote speakers and Microsoft representatives. There were several takeaways:

Microsoft Is Pushing AX and CRM

One of the main things that was very evident at this year's Convergence is the emphasis that Microsoft placed on Dynamics AX and CRM. At the outset of the conference they showed a chart with a breakdown of the overall Dynamics user base. Approximately 38 percent was comprised of GP users, 20 percent CRM and 15 percent AX. The Microsoft rep who was presenting the chart commented: ‘As you can see, CRM and AX make up approximately 35 percent of Dynamics users.'

While that statement may be true, it ignored the fact that GP users made up 38 percent-more than CRM and AX combined. Microsoft pushed a very focused mindset on the CRM and AX segments of Dynamics users. While that may be good for those companies who fall in those categories, it may be somewhat worrisome to GP, NAV and SL users.

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About Curt Finch

Curt Finch is the CEO of Journyx, a Certified Microsoft Partner. Journyx maximizes the value of Microsoft Dynamics by adding enterprise time tracking. Journyx Accountlink for Microsoft Dynamics allows companies to quickly implement a complete time tracking solution using existing business data in Dynamics. Connect with Curt on Google+.

More about Curt Finch