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Podcast Transcript: Jeff Edwards & Scott May on Microsoft partner incentives and opportunities with Business Applications

by MSDW Reporter
Editorial Team,

The following transcript is taken from our recent podcast episode with Jeff Edwards and Scott May of Stratos Cloud Alliance on partner incentives in the Microsoft Business Applications space.


Welcome to the MSDW Podcast. I'm Jason Gumpert, editor at On this episode, I'm speaking with Jeff Edwards and Scott May of Stratos Cloud Alliance Velosio’s Microsoft partner program. Scott has joined us before on podcast and webcast to talk about success in the Dynamics in the Microsoft channel. But this is the first time we get to speak with Jeff Edwards since he joined the team at Stratos Cloud. As so explained, Jeff has a long important history with Dynamics products and with Microsoft. He worked at the company for many years helping shape some of the most important policies and programs related to business applications. This episode is sponsored by Stratus Cloud. And both Jeff and Scott share their views on partner success looks like in today's business applications landscape. There are some attractive incentives from Microsoft and from Stratus Cloud for indirect partners that Scott and Jeff will explain. There are also some important technology advances in the Microsoft channel. And developing vertical expertise also remains an important element of the channel opportunity. Scott and Jeff have some advice on ways partners can accelerate their progress there. We also discussed Microsoft new fiscal year, and what partners should be watching for in July from Microsoft leadership changes to licensing and program updates.


All right. Well, Scott May, Jeff Edwards, welcome to the podcast. Thanks for joining me.

SCOTT MAY  01:18

Thanks for ...

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