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Planning a document management investment with Dynamics 365 CRM: 5 ways to prioritize

by Sam Kumar
VP | Dynamics 365 | Power Platform, Inogic

A place for everything and everything in its place – all of us are familiar with this famous phrase. We like being organized, being neat and tidy. As human beings we stick to a sense of order – in both personal and professional lives. No one likes to leave one’s home or office space in clutter. The same principle applies when it comes to managing documents and attachments in a Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM solution.

The scale of data that you deal with on a daily basis in your CRM is steadily increasing. The rapid growth in documents associated with your customers calls for alternative measures to successfully manage access and storage space within CRM. There are plenty of third party apps available in the market for document management, but can they satisfy all your needs in the context of Dynamics 365?

Let's review some requirements to keep in mind while choosing your document management app.

Data Security

Normally, cloud services like SharePoint, Dropbox, Azure Blob Storage, etc. are used to store CRM documents/attachments. But there are significant differences between the security models of Dynamics 365 and these cloud services. The confidential document like a legal contract, which only a few people can access in CRM, could become fully accessible to everyone when transferred to SharePoint (cloud services) due to differences in security privileges. So, look for apps that sync security privileges between these systems, as security of data is non-negotiable.

Bulk Migration

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About Sam Kumar

Inogic is one the leading Microsoft Gold ISV Partners with an exclusive focus on providing innovative apps and development services on Dynamics 365 CRM/Power Platform. Its flagship Dynamics 365 CRM maps integration app Maplytics™, a 5-star rated Preferred App on Microsoft AppSource, is changing the way locational intelligence is leveraged with features like Radius Search, Territory Management, Route Optimization, Auto-scheduling, et al.

Inogic is renowned for its 15+ Microsoft Preferred Co-sell ready Productivity Apps on Microsoft AppSource. From the latest WhatsApp Business integration with Dynamics 365 CRM, Document Management in Dynamics 365 CRM/CE with Attach2Dynamics and SharePoint Security Sync, Sales enablement using Lead Assignment and Distribution Automation, Alerts4Dynamics, and Business Process Checklist, improving productivity with Click2Clone, Click2Export, and Undo2Restore, user adoption and motivation with User Adoption Monitor and Gamifics365, popular Visualization Apps Kanban Board, Map My Relationships and Integrations like MailChimp Integration, Subscription & Recurring Billing Management, to QuickBooks ...

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