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Microsoft Dynamics AX, CRM, and Azure: So, Are You Available?

by Rob Curls
Solutions Consultant, Concerto Cloud Services,

An IT professional meets a cloud services provider at a party and asks, "So, you're available? How available?"  It sounds like a cheesy pickup line, but with today's vague and sometimes complicated SLAs (service level agreements), it is exactly the question you should be asking about your online services.

With regard to their cloud-based solutions, Microsoft has clarified their SLA calculations with the March 2016 release of the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Level Agreement for Microsoft Online Services. The document details product-by-product applicable terms, the formula that is leveraged to calculate availability of the service, the uptime percentages, as well as the service credit that a customer has the right to claim in the event that the service is not available. (It is important to note that these credits are only available for customers who have purchased services via a volume license agreement. Customers who purchased open licenses or Office 365 small business solutions are credited in the form of service time as opposed to service fees.) 

While some mission-critical applications call for high availability, a certain amount of downtime may be perfectly acceptable for some applications. The key is calculating the downtime in practical hours and minutes so that you understand exactly what the SLA covers. So, exactly how available are some of the more popular online services from Microsoft?

The New Microsoft Dynamics AX

The New Microsoft Dynamics AX, formerly known as AX 7, is currently provided as an online-only solution. (Other versions, such as Dynamics AX 2012, would be hosted in a chosen cloud environment and fall under a different SLA category such as Azure's Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Virtual Machines.)  For the new AX, ...

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About Rob Curls

As a Solutions Consultant for Concerto Cloud Services, my primary focus is educating customers on technologies that are available and designing solutions that will achieve their strategic objectives. With a focus on cloud solutions, my responsibilities include architecting complex workloads utilizing best of bread technology and service providers, developing and presenting in person and online presentations and demonstrations with customers and industry experts, as well as working with our team to ensure we stay on the cutting edge as a cloud service provider.

With more than 14 years of technology experience, I have a diverse background which has enabled me to work in challenging industries such as Healthcare, Professional Services, and Defense. I've consulted organizations ranging in size from small start ups to large globally dispersed organizations, and I'd love the opportunity to sit down and discuss your needs.

More about Rob Curls