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Microsoft Azure Insights: Node images; Emergency access accounts; Azure Arc

by MSDW Reporter
Editorial Team,

Microsoft Azure pros share their latest thoughts on node image upgrades with Kubernetes Service, security for emergency access accounts and Azure Arc.

Doing node image upgrades with Azure Kubernetes Service

Writing on Pixel Robots, Richard Hooper expanded on a recent theme of OS updates to an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster, while avoiding a cluster upgrade. In his new blog post, he detailed a new method in-preview. Using the az feature register command, he registered the preview feature.

Users need to install the newest aks-preview CLI extension and then move on to upgrading all nodes in the across all node pools. He wrote:

I found in my tests that a nodepool upgrade sits showing running till it has finished. You could add –no-wait to this command, so you do not have to wait. To check that the node pool has finished upgrading you can use the az aks nodepool show command… I really like this new feature and would like to see a way to schedule it. Perhaps, an Azure logic app could do this by spinning up container in Azure Container Instances (ACI). You could also do this via a DevOps pipeline. I would ideally like to see a nice effortless way in the portal or via CLI.

Alerting about Azure AD emergency access accounts

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