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The Dynamics Community Site: The Value of Interactions

by Andy Leapaldt
Marketing Manager, Dynamics Community Team,

Just over a year ago we launched what we dubbed, ‘Community 2.0'.  At the core of the release was a refreshed user interface along with plenty of enhancements to functionality like Ask the Community (forums), video capabilities, social functions and a richer overall site experience.  While very important indeed, those are still just infrastructure improvements that were delivered by our team, the Dynamics Community team. 

But the site is a community site, and a community is a place where people with common interest interact with people of various kinds in a common location.  They key there is interactWe deliver the platform, but the greater Dynamics community provides the true value by posting, sharing and interacting with over 900 blog posts a month, 850 forum posts a month, 50 videos a month which generates over 225,000 visits a moth.  That is a lot of helpful interactions delivered by the Microsoft Dynamics ecosystem......a true community effort.

If the true value of community is the ability to interact with others like you and walk away with insightful information about your product, your industry, what's coming next or simply receive answers to challenges you may have with your solution, then I would like to draw your attention to some key initiatives that are driving interactions in the community and providing value to you as a Dynamics customer or partner.

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