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Biz Apps Partner Chat, June 2024: Preparing for M&A as a Microsoft Reseller

Join Stratos Cloud Alliance in our newest MSDW Biz Apps Partner Chat webinar as we explore the critical steps Microsoft reseller companies can take to prepare for mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Our expert panel will guide you through initiating M&A conversations, identifying opportunities, and understanding the market landscape. Learn how to enhance your company's value, navigate due diligence, and ensure a smooth transition. Whether you're considering growth through acquisition or preparing for a potential merger, this session will provide the essential strategies and insights needed for success.

Scott May
Director of Channel Programs
Stratos Cloud Alliance
Joseph Longo
Executive Chairman of the Board
Jeff Edwards
Senior Vice President, Channels
Stratos Cloud Alliance
Linda Rose
Founder & CEO
RoseBiz, Inc.