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Portals Community Call, May 2023: A Public Scottish Summit Power Pages Makeover

Every month Engineered Code holds a one hour community call, led by resident Business Applications MVP Nicholas Hayduk.

This month's featured topic is "A Public Scottish Summit Power Pages Makeover" with returning guest Franco Musso.

This call is for any topics related to building portals on top of the Power Platform – and while we talk a lot about Power Pages (the offering from Microsoft), if you’ve got questions or topics about other products or techniques to build a portal, we are happy to talk about that too!

What Happens on These Calls?
The format of these sessions is flexible, and might include things like the latest Portals news, training, and Q&A – the key is that it will be based on what the community wants.

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Nicholas Hayduk
Engineered Code Consulting
Hosey Aghasharif
Account Manager
Engineered Code Consulting Inc.