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Data That Drives Email Marketing Relevance and Revenue for Dynamics CE/CRM Users
Marketers have fallen (back) in love with data. We wanted MORE DATA… and we got it. But has it made us better marketers? 84% of marketers say they have “enough” data: marketers average more than 8 data sources across their marketing campaigns. Still, marketers say reporting ROI is one of their biggest challenges.
You’ve got data, but do you have the right data you need to achieve your email marketing goals? Marketing strategist and educator Jessica Best shares how to make data from a variety of sources useful in your email campaigns and even find data where you don't think to look.
Key Takeaways:
- The top 11 data points that drive up email marketing results
- Data that informs the content or timing of marketing campaigns
- A trick for long-lead time sales attribution, using "sales data" within your email marketing platform

Owner/Chief Strategist

Dynamics 365 CE/CRM MVP