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Personalized Customer Experiences in Financial Services using D365CE and Power Platform

The customer relationship dynamics of financial services have fundamentally shifted. Individuals and small businesses now expect to be met on their terms, engaged on the channels they prefer, with offerings that are relevant and meaningful, and in some cases tailored to them. Personalization based on customer data is the name of the game.

You’re invited to join a panel of experts on digital communications, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and Power Platform for a discussion of this important topic and the technology that will enable your next wave of customer innovation. We will discuss:

  • Data-driven product development
  • Reaching customers on the channels they prefer, at the times they’re most responsive
  • Achieving the right balance of automation and live agent support
  • How Microsoft-based services and applications have advanced to meet these needs
Tom DePew
Principal Technical Specialist, Dynamics CRM
Andre Huynen
Strategic Alliances Director
Louis Dore
VP Sales, Americas
Rick McCutcheon
Dynamics 365 CE/CRM MVP