Indirect Partner vs. Direct Partner - Quantifying the Dynamics 365 Business Central Startup Costs
You have prospects and customers asking about SaaS solutions, and Dynamics 365 Business Central(D365 BC) has become a proven all-in-one business management cloud solution that Microsoft is committed to for the long term. So now what?
You have a decision to make. What is the best way to bring this solution to market? There are two paths: 1) Become certified to sell D365 BC as a Direct Partner 2) Partner with an Indirect Cloud Solution Provider to help you deliver the D365 BC and other solutions.
This webcast will explore and quantify the costs of each of your options. Join us as we:
- Review the costs to get started with each type of CSP partnership
- Assess the value of the benefits of both partner types
- Compare Gross Margins
- Determine ROI
- Talk to a partner about how they made their CSP decision
There is a lot to consider when launching your Microsoft Cloud practice. Join us to learn which partner type is right for you. All attendees will receive the CSP ROI Calculator.