msdw Events
Marketing for Microsoft Dynamics - Online workshop
This session will be held Live on Tuesday, May 18th at 2PM EDT
The process of effectively integrating your marketing campaign efforts with sales can be difficult from both the technical and process point of views. Managing the lead lifecyle from first touch-point to opportunity is critical in today's business environment where every lead counts! Marketing as a technology process is either under-developed in CRM or disconnected due to lack of integration between marketing tools and your CRM. SalesFUSION has shown industry leadership with it's unique integration between marketing processes and CRM. In this compelling online workshop, SalesFUSION will present a detailed and highly educational workshop on how companies can take a best-practice approach to integrating their marketing and demand generation efforts with their Microsoft CRM.
Topics covered in this session:
* Mastering the B2B Lead Lifecycle - Excerpts from Aberdeen's research report
* From campaign to contract - tracking leads to sales opportunity
* Lead scoring and lead management
* Product Demonstration - SalesFUSION embedded demand generation