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From the Microsoft Dynamics 365/AX Blogs: Order events; Invoice error; Debug D365FO; Security roles

by MSDW Reporter
Editorial Team,

This week on the Dynamics 365/AX blog roundup:

  • Order events in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
  • Invoice error: insufficient stock transactions with status purchased
  • Debug Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations on-premises with Visual Studio remote debugger
  • How to view which permissions a security role really has in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Order events in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

On Galyna Fedorova's Microsoft Dynamics AX blog, Fedorova said that the order events feature lets you track the changes made to an order, such as prices changes, and delivery information changes. It also lets you review information about the change history.

Fedorova said that the order events feature will allow you to monitor the events that occur throughout sales. However, you need to consider some things if you're planning to implement the order events functionality:

  • Whether to enable alert notifications
  • The events that need to be tracked
  • Which issues should be addressed and when they are first detected.
  • Validity period and who should be tracked

You can find out more about this feature here.

Invoice error: insufficient stock transactions with status purchased

On Tajwal's Blog, Ghiasuddin Tajwal said that recently while he was invoicing partially received POs, he received an "Insufficient stock transactions with Status Purchased" error in AX 2012 R2 CU7.

Each line of PurchLine Table have two records in InventTrans table one with status received another with status ordered which is causing error.

So he looked into the details and found that the error was ...

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