Picking a time and expense solution for Microsoft Dynamics ERP: Can users and administrators agree on priorities?

When it comes to time and expense (T&E) software, users and administrators are looking for different things. If you are in one of those camps, or if you are a consultant helping an organization design the right solution, know that you can in fact deploy a solution that will satisfy all interests. What follows are some typical priorities from both sides that reflect the varied perspectives, preferences, and priorities throughout an organization.
What appeals to employees?
Employees know when time and expense-related tasks are a drag on their work productivity. Introducing a new solution that fails to eliminate those issues will not garner much user support, so any organization undertaking such a project must keep their users' interest in mind from the start.
- Users want to get more done: With faster entry, end users don't spend as much time and effort on their expense reports and timesheets. That means that they can get back to their real jobs instead of wasting time on administrative burden.
- Expense reports are no longer a drag: Technology today allows users to scan a receipt, let it auto-fill the expense report, and just hit "Submit." The dread is no more.
- Reporting tools provide essential business intelligence: You have more control over your data, in real-time, so that managers can make essential decisions with confidence. Plus, automated reports can be programmed to come straight to your inbox anytime you want.
- Transparency
increases trust: Employees are can also be notified when their timesheets
and expense reports are approved. Plus, they can see where ...
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