Why Invest in a Local User Group for Microsoft Dynamics?
With so many demands on our time and so much noise in the world, why invest in either attending a user group meeting or going that one step further and creating a local or regional user group for a Microsoft Dynamics product?
Both great questions and there are times when I don't know the answers. But then I remember that technology is always changing and standing still in the world of business and technology just doesn't work. Welcome to my core reason for being involved in a local face to face user group for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. I love to learn from others and there is information that just can't be gained from all the books and experts in the world. In fact there is information from success and information from failures right in your backyard -invaluable insights from other people who have different backgrounds, who have mastered pieces of the software that you have yet to even consider, and ways of using built tools that are not even close to what the tool was originally built for.
Attending user group meetings is an efficient way to stay current on the latest technologies, the latest cool uses and field feedback. Take it one step further and attending a user group meeting can save you money and save you from headaches! It can help refine the types of questions you want to ask and how to ask them to get where you want to be. It can offer an audience of peers who might have the same questions that you might have. It can offer you knowledge and quickly lead you to answers that might have taken days of research to answer otherwise.
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