Using Simple Metrics and Benchmarking to Drive Finance Efficiency
You want to improve accounting operations, but you are unsure where to start and how to measure your success.
In this session, Henry Ijams of PayStream Advisors will share lessons learned from his work with innovators in accounts payable, billing, payments and collections to identify four steps you need to take to drive improve working capital management and operational efficiency. Learn from PayStream's benchmarking metrics on how to conduct a thorough self-assessment to drive lasting transformation.
Learn how different metrics can impact your efficiency, organizational effectiveness and working capital. The session will also include discussion of three methods to evaluate your costs against industry benchmarks, and the two key elements in developing goals to drive your transformation. This session will provide you with tools to drive change in your accounting operations.
What is a Perfect Order and how can you drive more touch less processing at your organization? What are the pros and cons of consolidating T&E management with your procurement solution? When does automating purchasing and payables drive last organizational value?
The most important metrics highlight your success at managing the critical ingredients of transactional finance - work process, staffing, and technology - that go into developing your three-year transformation road map. How can you optimize your processes to minimize exceptions? Is there a more efficient way to organize your staff and manage the process? What have other organizations done to increase organizational adoption? Which tools will have the biggest impact?