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Top 5 Myths of Accounts Payable Automation for Dynamics Users

Are you still opening mail, filing copies of invoices, entering invoice data into Dynamics GP, or mailing paper checks to your suppliers? If so, then you are not capitalizing on today's best practices when it comes to your payables process. Recently, there has been a lot of buzz around the ROI of accounts payable (AP) automation, but how do you distinguish between fact and fiction?

AvidXchange is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, May 23rd at 2pm EST to debunk the top 5 myths of AP automation and provide you with the facts.

In this webinar, we'll cover:

  • What is AP automation?
  • The truth about AP automation
  • A live demo-including our new API integration for Dynamics GP
  • And wrap up with questions from you!

Register now!

Charlotte Jenkins
Solutions Consultant, AvidXchange
Henry Ijams
VP, Supplier Solutions, AvidXchange