msdw Events
Partner Event: How to Add Geo-Mapping to Your D365 & Power Apps Practice
Geo-analytics and location intelligence may seem like a narrow specialization, but nearly any Microsoft partners can deliver these high value capabilities today as part of their Dynamics 365 CE and Dataverse projects.
Hosted by 8x MVP Rick McCutcheon, and featuring 9x Microsoft MVP Roohi Shaikh, the CEO of Inogic, the parent company of Maplytics, this partner-focused panel discussion explores the benefits of adopting an out-of-the-box geo-analytics package for Microsoft business applications. Topics of the conversation will include:
- The journey of Maplytics from inception to success in the Dynamics channel
- Use cases for Maplytics in targeted markets
- Customer and industry success stories
- Benefits of the Maplytics partner program
- Why Microsoft partners consider Maplytics to be their preferred geo-analytics app
- Direct and indirect Partner revenue streams


Dynamics 365 CE/CRM MVP