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How to Survive the Retirement of FRx, Forecaster & Management Reporter

You've likely heard that Microsoft is discontinuing development of Microsoft Management Reporter and has already discontinued development for Microsoft Forecaster and FRx. So how can you be best prepared for a future transition to new reporting and planning software?

Join MSX Group for this webcast to learn how Prospero can:

  • Help smooth your organization's transition from these retiring products
  • Replace both Forecaster and FRx/Management Reporter in a single, integrated application
  • Reduce your maintenance and setup work by using the same building blocks for reports and budget input screens
  • Improve analysis with built-in, interactive charting capabilities
  • Eliminate clutter by allowing you to publish only those reports you want to publish
Derek Krebs.jpg
Derek Krebs
Senior Consultant, MSX Group
MSX Group
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Noah Moseley
Senior Consultant, Certified Instructor
MSX Group, LLC