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How To Build The Business Case for Integrating AP Automation with Microsoft Dynamics GP
As more and more companies are recognizing the impact of automation in areas of their organization, the accounts payable department is no longer being overlooked. You have a comprehensive ERP system already (Microsoft Dynamics GP) but you also want to integrate automation into the AP process. Many who see the value still struggle to really build a case for bringing automation into their own work environment.
In this webinar, we will provide you with the information you need to get your AP automation initiative to the next stage.
You will learn:
- How to build a business case for automation at your company
- How to define the impact - if any - on current processes and workflows
- How AP automation works with Microsoft GP
- How to calculate ROI to show tangible value
- What a fully automated solution looks like
Automation technologies designed to improve efficiencies within AP workflows are now being adopted in organizations of all sizes using Microsoft Dynamics GP. Why not yours?
Product Manager, MineralTree
Sr. Director of Direct and Partner Sales, MineralTree