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Exploring Next Generation EDI for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Simple, Scalable, Cloud-based

Microsoft Dynamics GP customers have often faced tradeoffs in EDI technology, between providers that offer deep GP expertise and those that offer a simple cloud-based model.

Join Highjump TrueCommerce for a new webcast exploring the next generation of EDI for Dynamics GP. EDI experts Mike Gross and Steve Norris will explain how the transition to cloud-based technology has simplified connecting and integrating with customers, suppliers and logistics service providers. 

Listen as Blue Rhino highlights how a forward-looking EDI solution can set you apart from the competition:

Details discussed in this webcast will include:

  • The steps to easily onboard new EDI customers via managed services
  • How web-based EDI can handle your sales and purchase order processing, as well as advanced communications with your 3PL
  • Why embedded EDI, with GP, provides a solid method for conducting business seamlessly
Mike Gross
VP of Product Strategy, True Commerce
Steve Norris
Director of Dynamics Solutions Architecture, True Commerce