Diversified Holding Company, Koniag Inc., Utilizes New AP Automation Solution to Improve Accuracy and Greatly Reduce Employee Frustration Levels

Koniag Inc. is a holding company created as a result of the Alaska Native
Claims Settlement Act of 1971, and is owned by 3,600 Alaska native
shareholders. With more than 500 employees, Koniag is highly diversified,
managing investments in real estate, natural resources and securities
among its activities.
Koniag’s accounts payable unit services a dozen company offi ces throughout the US from its somewhat remote central offi ce location in Anchorage, Alaska, a situation that has proven challenging. Getting invoices to the right people for approval, then to headquarters for processing and payment by AP, often was diffi cult and time consuming.The organization sought a technology solution to address the issues that were clogging its AP process that would also work in tandem with their Microsoft Dynamics SL solution.
Koniag’s accounts payable unit services a dozen company offi ces throughout the US from its somewhat remote central offi ce location in Anchorage, Alaska, a situation that has proven challenging. Getting invoices to the right people for approval, then to headquarters for processing and payment by AP, often was diffi cult and time consuming.The organization sought a technology solution to address the issues that were clogging its AP process that would also work in tandem with their Microsoft Dynamics SL solution.
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