
Andrius Čyvas has 19 years of NAV/Business Central experience in a variety of roles, including development, design, and implementation of custom Dynamics NAV solutions. For the past four years, Čyvas has been leading ISV Development Center activities and knowledge sharing with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Partners at Companial. He has helped Partners on their journey to Extensions 2.0 and SaaS compatibility by providing training sessions, workshops and consulting on individual projects. He’s also responsible for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extension maintenance service for Companial Partners.
With Business Central Online implementations gaining traction, Companial offers a variety of services to help Dynamics Partners to accelerate the transition to the Cloud and future-proof your business. We help Partners in every stage of the journey to Business Central, from scoping to considering upgrade options and estimating, to technical upgrade tasks, and maintaining your solution afterward. Interested in knowing more? Get in touch with us today