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How Sprints Can Provide a Performance Boost to Microsoft Dynamics Implementation Projects

by Alan Campbell
Manager, Project Management Office, ArcherPoint LLC,

Using sprints or iterations in Microsoft Dynamics implementations can add great value to your Microsoft Dynamics projects. Whereas project teams using a traditional ‘waterfall' approach might identify specific tasks in a project plan, a team using an agile approach with sprints identifies and prioritizes requirements based on the amount of work that the project team is capable of delivering in a set period of time. The use of sprints may take some adjustment, but the benefits could surprise both your project teams and your clients.

A sprint is a "time-boxed" period of work that has a defined output by a self-organized team.  In the world of Dynamics implementations the team would consist of both client and partner members.   At the end of the sprint the "output" is reviewed with stakeholders at a sprint review meeting.

An example of the use of time-boxing for an agile project that includes Dynamics NAV as part of the solution might go as follows:  Company XYZ's goal is to provide less inventory stock outs and fresher product to their customers.  XYZ's business objective is to increase inventory turns by 60% over the next year.   Dynamics NAV has been identified as part of the solution to reach the companies goals and objectives.  The project has been estimated to be 10 sprints in duration, with each sprint lasting 3 weeks.  The project team reviews the product backlog at the beginning of the sprint planning meeting and decides that they can deliver the following high priority stakeholder requirements in this sprint. These requirements all have been identified as helping to deliver on the companies' goals and objectives:

  1. Inventory control needs stock status reports.
  2. Sales wants to enter orders, print invoices, and print packing lists
  3. Receiving needs to ...

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About Alan Campbell

Alan Campbell, CBAP, PMP, CSR, manages the Project Management Office at ArcherPoint, LLC., and has 30 years project management experience with ERP implementations.

More about Alan Campbell