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From the CRM Blogs: Bandwidth Testing with Performance Toolkit; The Usefulness of Teams; How to Populate Contacts to a Marketing List; Reminiscing about CRM 1.2

by Jared Berezin

Bandwidth Testing Using Dynamics CRM Performance Toolkit: The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team blog provides step-by-step instructions on setup and testing bandwidth utilization with the CRM Performance toolkit (available for download in "CRM performance toolkit provides an easy and comprehensive way to test various performance aspects of your CRM implementation...With the help of NetMon, NetCap, VRTA and minor modification in CRM Performance toolkit, we can easily perform bandwidth utilization testing... Though the existing web tests provide a pretty good coverage, you can create additional tests according to the need of your bandwidth test suite."

What are "Teams" in CRM and Are They Useful? From the Dynamic Methods Microsoft CRM blog: "I've been asked a handful of times what Teams are in CRM and when it would be appropriate to use them... Teams are groups of users that can have records shared with them, to facilitate sharing records in mass with groups of people. That is the primary role of Teams within CRM... Teams may also be used when setting up "Resources" for a given "Service" within the Scheduling Calendar. A very powerful tool, but also a lot of set up and a lot of linking that has to be understood to make it all work."

How to Populate Contacts to a Marketing List from a Dynamics CRM Workflow: Pierre Hulsebus at the 

About Jared Berezin
Jared Berezin serves as a contributing writer to With combined interests in technology and science, Jared previously served as a writer for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, drafting scientific narrative reports on the latest advancements in cancer research. Jared has also served as associate marketing specialist for International Data Corporation (IDC), a market research firm. In this position, he planned and executed strategic marketing initiatives for IDC's software and services research programs, and wrote outbound communications to the press, existing clients, and prospects. Jared also has experience working for several local newspapers in eastern Massachusetts. Jared graduated with honors from Colby College with a BA in English and creative writing.
More about Jared Berezin