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From the AX Blogs: BETA release of the Intelligent Data Management; Reading PDF’s on your PC; Project Finance and Controls Demo

by Jared Berezin

BETA release of the Intelligent Data Management Framework: The Dynamics AX UK blog claims that the new framework, available on PartnerSource, "allows our customers to reduce their database sizes by a centralized intelligent purge method, and by managing the database indices using Microsoft SQL Server DMV based intelligence." Key highlights of the framework include: easy configuration and management, rich dashboard, intuitive analytics, collaboration through alerts and emails, purge object discovery and configuration for ease of customizability, and the ability to manage database connections, restrictions on tables, alert configurations, detailed audit tracing and reporting, and efficient asynchronous scheduling."

For more information on Intelligent Data Management in Dynamics AX, you may want to read the recent article, Master Data Management (MDM) vs. Intelligent Data Management (IDM) with Microsoft Dynamics AX, written by Jeff Onesto, Director of Business Development, ASi Inc.

Tech Tip: Reading PDF's from your PC without the Headache: Palle Agermark finds a helpful (and free) tool: "I have just read the training material for a couple of the AX certifications. I didn't want to print it, so I tried to read it directly off my laptop, which with Adobe Reader is a complete disaster. It is completely unpredictable when the reader changes pages while scrolling the document and after reading very few pages you just get tired. I moved the material to my Mac which has a good PDF reader. Today I found this

About Jared Berezin
Jared Berezin serves as a contributing writer to With combined interests in technology and science, Jared previously served as a writer for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, drafting scientific narrative reports on the latest advancements in cancer research. Jared has also served as associate marketing specialist for International Data Corporation (IDC), a market research firm. In this position, he planned and executed strategic marketing initiatives for IDC's software and services research programs, and wrote outbound communications to the press, existing clients, and prospects. Jared also has experience working for several local newspapers in eastern Massachusetts. Jared graduated with honors from Colby College with a BA in English and creative writing.
More about Jared Berezin