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msdw Events

Roadmap to Segregation of Duty Compliance Within Microsoft Dynamics AX

Attend this webinar and learn how to reduce your Dynamics AX audit cost and risks with a step by step process that takes advantage of out of the box Segregation of Duty (SoD) rules. We will address some of the most common auditing concerns and solutions of AX customers and answer questions like:

  • How should you analyze your Dynamics AX Roles for SoD violations?
  • Why you would you need data and access watch lists? Why are auditors requiring these investigative approaches?
  • Why do you need to watch your AX 2012 license usage? And how can you reduce the licensing cost by as much as 25%?
  • What are the popular reports needed for auditing and security management?

We will also demonstrate how Arbela Security Manager (ASM) helps you address these questions and reduces key pain points related to achieving audit readiness. And attendees will get one of our 120+ out of the box SoD rule sets for free to start reducing your audit cost today!

Corey Bakhtiary
Senior Consultant, Arbela Technologies