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Goodbye Dataflex: Microsoft abandons brand name for Teams app-building service

by MSDW Reporter
Editorial Team,

The legal hurdles that quickly followed Microsoft's announcement of the new Dataflex brand as a low-code app building tool for Teams have now led to the company pulling the name off all visible web properties and reverting to an unofficial codename.

And while some pages remain broken, the old name for the full-scale service upon which Dataflex was build, the Common Data Services (CDS), has also reappeared on other key landing pages:

News of the change appears to have started with people noticing the product name changed from Dataflex to Project Oakdale on a Microsoft Teams blog post. The change also corresponded with broken links to other olde blog posts specifically about the Dataflex announcement by Microsoft product leaders.

Mary Jo Foley on ZDNet reports that a Microsoft spokesperson told her that Microsoft will select a new name and will share it "in the coming weeks".

The revelation of this obvious trademark issue took mere hours after the announcement in July and seems to have led some in the Microsoft ecosystem to watch and wait expectantly for this moment to arrive. 

LawStreet Media explained the basics of the legal action that has ensued, with Data Access Corporation filing a ...

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